Jumpstart photography

  1. Go to the movies and find inspiration in the story
  2. Check out the flickers’ explore and try to find what you like about it, how can you make it better, etc.
  3. You try to learn a new lighting technique and try making boring pictures un-boring by switching up your lighting positions
  4. Join a club and get with a group of people that can show you or learn from you and explore more photography together while brainstorming ideas as well
  5. Getting ideas from bigger/known photographers and exploring new styles and techniques
  6.  Going through CD’s and finding old inspiring ways
  7. Listen to your favorite music and pick an artist that most inspires you then you can put it in the player
  8. Go on a photo-day or have an all day shooting time and get multiple themes and lengths
  9. Read an Art magazine and trigger new ideas, maybe new poses, lighting, setting
  10. Shoot at a sporting event and practice action shooting
  11. Look 360 and maybe shoot 360 as well staying in place and shoot shooting around you as you spin
  12. Shoot for a holiday theme and get into spirit using objects and accessories
  13. Remake old pictures from very important people
  14.  Shoot someone famous or well known, or someone that may potentially be or look like a model
  15. Treat yourself with photos and practice being your own photography
  16. Seeing an art show can give you options of creativity singularities
  17. Take on an actual photo assignment and challenge yourself
  18. Take some shots of your family and practice some family photos giving yourself no-way-out situations
  19. Shoot your favorite foods and share with the media since food also involves culture
  20. Shooting in the dark is good too and can show you may other ways to prepare for different situations in photography
  21. Shooting at a family event and getting cool party shot experiences
  22. Using props but making the photo be interesting to look at or funny in a way
  23. Taking pictures that are obvious enough to put a couple together and get a story or tell a story with them
  24. Shooting weird objects multiple times but making them interesting and finding out differences in every picture
  25. Take a self portrait and use multiple exposures making you look good to your liking

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